Allow me to present to you, dear reader, an amazing coloring sheet courtesy of Bibliothèque municipale d’Angers.
I came across the image while looking through Color Our Collections, a collection of art-as-coloring-sheets I found online. There are coloring sheets and coloring books to download from over 500 museums from around the world.
While there are some very lovely coloring sheets I plan to print and color, I couldn't pass this one by without sharing it with the world.
Allow me to present our cast of characters:
First up we have what I assume is a monkey. The name "David" is between him and the man, and probably refers to the man, but I prefer to think of the monkey (?) as David. Possibly because he looks like that National Enquirer creation of a boy covered in hair. So, David the Monkey.
Next up is the angel with the sword. I don't know if she is supposed to be helpful in a "Mom" way, like "David the Monkey, you forgot your sword!" or if she is supposed to be some kind of avenging angel who will with her seraphic blade. The expression on her face and her authoritative finger pointing leads me to think David the Monkey is going to get grounded when he gets home.
And how Cat? Large weasel? Is it biting itself and pulling at skin, or is it eating grass? No matter what, it looks quite alarmed for a...whatever it is.
Now we come to Ol' Snouty Armadillo Dragon, last of its kind. I'm not upset about that as it is kind of disturbing.
Up next we have The Dude. Remember, he COULD be the referenced David, but I kind of like to see him as "The Dude" from "The Big Lebowski." He saw all the fucked up animals around him and threw his hands up to signify "Not my circus, not my monkeys" See the spur on his foot? He's about to jab his Crazy-Eyed horse to GTFO of there faster than the speed of that cat/dog/fox/weasel thing.
Honestly, though, the spur isn't needed. Mr. Crazy-Eyes the Horse looks ready to make tracks, no pointy metal spur required.
Please join me in printing this coloring page out and adding color to an already colorful collection of characters. We're quarantined, what else do you have to do?
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